Modifications for Extended CBNT

To have access to the level 1 and 2 trigger information provided by ATRIG and the timings of selected reconstruction packages in the CBNT, some modifications to the standard ATRECON are necessary. First ATRECON must be run together with ATRIG (see here for instructions) and the timestamps have to be inserted (see here for necessary code additions). Second, some code has to be added into the CBNT tree:

File Description
cbnt.age Modifications to the master CBNT routine defining the default values for ATRI and TIME datacard and call to cbntatri.age and cbnttime.age. Replaces the file cbnt.age in offline/atrecon/cbnt.
cbntatrig.age Defines and fills the ATRIG blocks of CBNT. Must be added to offline/atrecon/cbnt. Defines structure for ATRI entry in datacard. Must be added to offline/atrecon/include/atrecon/cbntcdes.
cbnttime.age Defines and fills the TIMING block of CBNT. Must be added to offline/atrecon/cbnt. Defines structure for TIME entry in datacard. Must be added to offline/atrecon/include/atrecon/cbntcdes.

Once these modifications are made, the individual data blocks can be switch on and off using the standard datacard.

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