Publications and Talks


- Event Filter Summary Document
Hans Peter Beck et al.; ATL-DAQ-2000-005
- Performance Studies for Electron and Photon Selection at the Event Filter
Remigius K. Mommsen, Alina Radu, Monika Wielers; ATL-DAQ-2000-007
- First study of the LVL2-EF boundary in the high-pT electron/photon High-Level Trigger
John Baines et al.; ATL-DAQ-2000-045
- ATLAS High-Level Triggers, DAQ and DCS Technical Proposal
- Electron Trigger Performance Studies for the Event Filter
Remigius K. Mommsen; ATL-DAQ-2001-004
- Electron Trigger Studies for the Event Filter of the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron Collider
Remigius K. Mommsen; Ph.D. thesis 2001; University of Bern, Switzerland


Event Filter Meetings

See the event filter meeting page

Physics and Event Selection Algorithms (PESA)

- e/gamma meeting 27/10/99 Timing of ATRECON with xKalman
- PESA meeting 10/11/99 Timing of ATRECON with xKalman
(updated version of the previous e/gamma talk)
- Miniworkshop on Trigger Software 11/4/00 Experiences from LVL2/EF e/gamma studies

T/DAQ Workshops

- Presentation at the T/DAQ Chamonix Workshop Offline Software for the Event Filter 22/10/98
- Presentation at the T/DAQ Workshop at CERN Offline Algorithms for EF 14/11/00


- Seminar at the University of Bern High Level Triggers for ATLAS 13/4/99
(Ghostview has a problem displaying page 5 (and following), but it prints without problems.)
- Seminar at the University of Bern SM Higgs Searches at LHC 6/6/00

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