J. Beringer et al.,
Radiation Hardness and Life Time Studies of
LEDs and VCSELs for the Optical Readout of the ATLAS SCT,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods A435 (1999) 375-392
J. Beringer et al.,
Final Results of Radiation Hardness and Life Time Studies of
LEDs and VCSELs for Optical Links of the ATLAS Inner Detector,
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Electronics for LHC
Experiments (London, UK, 1997), CERN/LHCC/97-60
(1997), p. 265
J. Beringer et al.,
Radiation Hardness and Life Time Studies of LEDs and VCSELs for
the Optical Readout of the ATLAS SCT,
ATLAS Internal Note No. 183, September 16, 1997
(approx. 1.8MB without photographs)
ATLAS Internal Note No. 183, September 16, 1997
(approx. 11MB, compressed, with photographs)
R.K. Mommsen,
Life Time Studies of Irradiated LEDs and VCSELs for the ATLAS
Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider,
diploma thesis, University of Bern (1997)
J. Beringer et al.,
First results of a comprehensive life time test of irradiated
LEDs and VCSELs,
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Electronics for LHC
Experiments (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1996), CERN/LHCC/96-39
(1996), p. 382, also available as
preprint BUHE-96-7 (1996)
J. Beringer,
Studies for the Inner Detector of the ATLAS
Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider,
PhD thesis, University of Bern (1996)