Tools for Event Filter Physics Studies

The CBNT provides the informations from the offline reconstruction together with the truth information. In order to have access to all information for studies of the full trigger chain, some blocks with LVL1 and LVL2 information from ATRIG as well as the timing information of the individual reconstruction steps have to be added (see here for necessary code additions).

ATRIG information

To enable the ATRIG blocks you have to additional specify in your datacard *DETP 'CBNT' 'ATRI.BASIC='1. and then you can enable/disable the individual blocks with the switches given in the table below.

Enable with Block Variable Description
'ATRI.T1gl='1. * T1GL T1YesNo LVL1 global accept/reject
T1muCount(6) Number of LVL1 muon trigger objects for different thresholds
T1emCount(8) Number of LVL1 electromagnetic trigger objects for different thresholds
T1tauCount(8) Number of LVL1 tau/hadron trigger objects for different thresholds
T1jetCount(8) Number of LVL1 jet trigger objects for different thresholds
'ATRI.T2gl='1. * T2GL YesNo LVL2 global accept/reject
NItem Number of LVL2 trigger menu items
iYesNo(NItem) Accept/reject for each LVL2 trigger menu item

* These blocks are enabled by default. However, the LVL1 and LVL2 blocks are only filled if ATRECON is run together with ATRIG (see here for instructions).

TIMING information

To enable the TIMING block you have to additional specify in your datacard *DETP 'CBNT' 'TIME.BASIC='1. and then for each block you can use the switch given in the table below to disable the timing information (=0.), to enable the summary information (=1.), or to obtain the detailled timing information (=2.). The summary gives the sum of all timestamps for each reconstruction package.

Switch w/ default Block Variable Description
'TIME.ecal='1. TIMING emcomb Generation of combined EM matrix
emmaxima Finding of local maxima in EM calo
emetaphi Calculating of eta/phi region of found clusters
emcone Determination of cells belonging to cone
emproperty Calculating cluster properties
emrefine Refining of cluster properties
emid Determining values for particle ID
emiso Calculation of isolation energies
'TIME.hcal='0. * TIMING hadcomb Generation of combined hadron calo matrix
hadmaxima Finding of local maxima in hadron calo
hadetaphi Calculating eta/phi region of found clusters
hadseparation Calculation of cluster separation
hadparam Determination of cluster parameters
'TIME.emis='1. TIMING emistime Calculation of missing energy
'TIME.xkal='1. TIMING t4road Finding of roads
t4readTRT Reading of TRT digits
t4roadTRT Primary track search in TRT
t4readSCT Reading of SCT digits
t4sort Sort counters in propagation order
t4trackSCT Track propagation through SCT/pixel
t4bremSCT Bremfit in SCT/pixel
t4trackTRT Track propagation through TRT
t4bremTRT Bremfit in TRT
t4compare Comparition of found track candidates
t4repeat Repetition of track search starting from found tracks

* The HCAL timing concerns the old hadron reconstruction package which is no more called by default from ATRECON. It is replaced by the jetfinder library, which does not yet include any timestamps.

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