CERNLIB for Mac OS X 10.2
This site describes how to build the CERNLIB 2002 from
the sources on Mac OS X 10.2. Please note that these instructions are
for the brave going to build CERNLIB by her/him-self. I recommend to
use fink to compile CERNLIB unless you have a good reason
not to do.
This description for the compilation of the CERNLIB on Mac OS X 10.2 (aka Jaguar) uses as much as
possible the fink tools. Keisuke Fujii has a site for installing the CERNLIB
compiled under Mac OS 10.2 which uses a ported version of rpm for package management.
- Install a X11 environment (either from Apple or from XFree86).
- Install the Apple Developer Tools available from your Mac OS X CDs
or download them after a free registration.
- Install the g77 compiler from Please note that
there are problems getting correct compiles with g77 3.3. You have
to use either g77 3.1 (together with gcc 3.1) or g77 3.4 (together
with gcc 3.3).
Missing Libraries
The Fortran 77 LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage) is no longer part of the
CERNLIB because it exists in optimized versions for various operating
- I got the compiled version of LAPACK from (close to the
bottom of the page).
- Install the tar file to /usr/local/lib
- Provide softlinks for the old naming of the libs used by CERNLIB
ln -s libf77blas.a libblas.a
ln -s liblapack.a liblapack3.a
- The final missing piece is a symbol called _cuserid which is normally
found in libcompat.c. I was not able to find this library for Mac OS
X. Therefore I took the source code and made a libcompat.a lib
out of it. I installed it into /usr/local/lib, too.
CERNLIB itself
- Download the source files (src_*tar.gz) and the Imakefile from to
any local directory <LOCAL_DIR>.
- Extract all tar files. The easiest command to achieve this is
ls -1 src_*.tar.gz | xargs -n1 tar xzf
- Move the Imakefile to the into the now existing 2002/src directory
mv Imakefile 2002/src
- Apply the cernlib-2002-macosx.patch patch which is based on Keisuke
Fujii patch for cernlib 2001.
cd <LOCAL_DIR>/2002/src; patch -p0 < cernlib-2002-macosx.patch
- Create the install directories and set the environment accordingly
mkdir -p /cern/2002; setenv CERN /cern; setenv CERN_LEVEL 2002;
setenv PATH ${CERN}/${CERN_LEVEL}/bin:${PATH}
You should include these environment variables in your .cshrc in order
to find the CERNLIB later on.
- Next set the CVSCOSRC environment to the root of the src files and
start the boot strap
setenv CVSCOSRC <LOCAL_DIR>/2002/src; $CVSCOSRC/config/imake_boot
- Keep your fingers crossed and type
make . This produces
all libraries and installs them into $CERN/$CERN_LEVEL
- Next build kuipc with
make bin/kuipc
- Next install the scripts with
make scripts/Makefile; cd scripts;
make install.bin
- Then build the packlib executables:
cd ../packlib; make install.bin
- And graflib executables:
cd ../graflib; make install.bin
- Finally build the paw executable
cd ../pawlib; make install.bin
- And for future s/w development we install the include files with
..; make install.include CERN_INCLUDEDIR=$CERN/$CERN_LEVEL/include
- A sensible thing to do is to run the tests on your new built CERNLIB:
- First on packlib:
cd packlib; make test
At the end of the output you should see KERNNUM CHECK HAS BEEN
- Then on mathlib:
cd ../mathlib; make test
If everything is fine, all test except C327 should be completed successfully
- Next in turn is mclibs:
cd ../mclibs; make test
HERWIG seems to have a problem and loops indefinitely on one event.
I'm not using HERWIG and I'm not an expert. Thus use HERWIG with
- Then on phtools:
cd ../phtools; make test
wicot prints some output to the screen and finishes gracefully.
- The last lib is geant321:
cd ../geant321; make test
This should print a lot of tables and histos onto the screen, but
no error messages!
- Next is higz:
cd ../graflib/higz; make examples/Makefile
cd examples; make higzex
The higzex executable should return 6 example screens.
- And finally paw:
cd ../../../pawlib/paw/demo; paw all.kumac
paw will run over a set of test kumacs once you give the go command.
If everything works as expected you have successfully compiled the
- Finally set the correct permissions on your /cern/2002 directory:
cd /cern; sudo chown -R root:staff 2002
Please report any
improvements to, corrections for and problems with the above recipe.
However, I cannot guarantee any support.