ATLAS shift machinesThe ATLAS shift machines are used for batch processing. Each machine is a HP K260 with quad 180MHz PA-8000 processors. These processors are specified by HP to have 11.8 SPECint95, which correspond to 118 CERN units (CU). However, test at CERN resulted in about 7 SPECint95 (70 CU) with more realistic, i.e. lower, optimization settings (Information from Sverre Jarp). This number is also used in the Physics TDR. The ATLAS workgroup servers (WGS) are HP D250 machines (atlas01-atlas10). These machines are based on two PA7200 CPUs, with an official rating of 5.01 SPECint95, but are measured by CERN to 25 CU (2.5 SPECint95). |