Remigius K MommsenPhysicist / Computing Professional
Welcome to my home page. I am a high energy physicist and computing professional. I have worked at Fermilab, SLAC, and CERN. I contributed to large-scale experiments CMS, D0, BaBar, and ATLAS. I have been exposed to the different challenges of e+e- and hadron colliders. I used a wide variety of experimental techniques from precision analysis of e+e- data to Higgs searches at hadron machines. I am interested in complex software systems used to acquire and analyze large data volumes in near real-time. I have been working on different data-acquisition systems for high-energy physics experiments. I am motivated to understand complex technical systems, improve their behavior, and support their exploitation. I have experience in developing software which interfaces with hardware components and provides an intuitive graphical or command-line interface. I am proficient in C++, Python, Perl, and shell scripts. I have a good knowledge of Java and SQL. I strive to continuously improve the software to meet changing requirements and cater to the needs of users. My research experience may give you an overview of my work. A complete list of publications can be automatically retrieved from inSPIRE. Further information can be obtained by following the links on the left. I am involved in the Fink project. Fink provides an easy way to install Unix packages on Mac OS X. I maintain some high energy physics related packages and a few utilities. I like to travel and taking pictures. Among my favorite destinations are active volcanoes. These pages are used to collect some information about my current and former activities. They are mainly intended as working platform for me and my colleagues. All information is my personal view and does not necessarily correspond with those of the experiments I am working for. |